Friday, May 6, 2016

Kids enjoyed the art show

During the week of the art show, I captured people enjoying the art in the hallways. I took each class into the halls with clipboards and pencils. The little ones had an Art Show Scavenger Hunt. They had to find and draw items in the show. The older ones were assigned a grade to look at art and write a compliment to the artist. The only requirement was that the writer/viewer had to use  art vocabulary and be specific.
It is a fun week at Sopris Elementary. It truly feels like and art festival!

First Grade made some huge Asmat Shields showing the art of Papua New Guinea.

These decorated doors are to the Book Fair. A 5th grader dutifully checks kids coming and going.

One  student writing and extra compliment, called,"Fill my Bucket" slips.

A 3rd grader excited to see her huge mosaic mask hanging up.

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